Friday, February 3, 2017

Myers Briggs Types Three Wishes

A permenent job 
A tent 
Thats it   - INTJ

"1 I'd wish for a nice vacation on a tropical island
2 to be able to swim so I can go scuba diving 
3 and for a pet rabbit that's immortal"   - ENFP

1. A magical, indestructible notebook that never runs out of pages (but never has too many pages at one time so that way I can carry it around and stuff without it weighing too much), that is actually another world and I create the world by writing about it in the notebook and I can enter or leave the notebook at anytime by saying the passcode (even if I don't have the notebook with me when I say it), and I can destroy the notebook by saying another secret passcode, and turn the notebook invisible by saying another secret passcode, and no other living thing is able to enter this notebook unless that living thing is an organism needed by my body that is currently inhabiting my body such as beneficial gut bacteria, or is a baby I'm pregnant with.
2. The knowledge and means to solve all of the world's problems.
3. Idk what else to wish for ... Hmm mind reading and control of all living organisms.  - ESFJ

"So, I can wish to be omnipotent?"   - INTP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"I'd wish for:

1. A yearly income of $100,000 from doing graphic design. Enough to be comfortable but not so much that life stops being challenging.

2. Clairvoyance
3. A relationship that's happy and fulfilling and stays that way my whole life"   - INFJ

"Cure Cancer

End Hunger
Whirled Peas"   - ISTJ

"WOW I LOOK SO BAD AFTER THIS. Cancel clairvoyance then. Replace with world peace & good health"   - INFJ again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"1) Happiness
2) Financial freedom
3) A satisfying romantic relationship
You'd think these would be easy to achieve but for some reason they aren't."   - INTJ

"1. Good health for my family
2. To get my Bachelor's in Santa Clarita without having to drive to Northridge
3. For my social anxiety to improve considerably"   - INFP

"Hmmmm. I think that my three wishes would be
1. Be able to take a month off work and visit my family in America without running out of all my money
2. Be able to visit all the country[s] in the world with my mom, aunt and best friend.
3. That dinosaurs were real and I could ride a trex."   - ENFJ

1. True wuv that lasts a lifetime.
2. A stable, well-paying means of employment that doesn't get boring and doesn't tax my introverted, thinking nature too much. 
3. The ability to enter and control my dreams at will.   - INTP

"1. happiness; defined as an access to material objects and things that will keep me in a reasonable state of satisfaction, free from deprivation and pain. eg: reasonably housed, reasonably well-fed with a variety of food, all the vitamin supplements i need, all the medications i would require to maintain a mental and physical equilibrium of health, enough freedom of movement and resources to actually move with, etc etc. 
2. a group of friends that will be there forever; preferably some with benefits so I don't have to keep looking for an s/o that won't be there.
3. I'd like to be immortal, but I've read so many vampire novels about people dying that I'd want to be immortal with a group of friends who are also immortal, instead. and my parents should be immortal, too, so I don't have to watch them die. The world can otherwise go f[***] itself. (God, we'd be so powerful, if we have enough resources and capability to last a few centuries and amass all the things we need...)"   - ISTJ

"Wish I never got sick again. Wish I could eat whatever. Which I had snow. <random"   - INFP

"1. Omnipotence
2. Immortality
3. Superhuman intelligence"   - INFJ

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

ENFJ Crush Tells/Signs

"They pay attention to the person. They listen to what they have to say. They want to be around the person. They may engage in innocent "accidental" touching. They may be less talkative them normal around the person. ENFJs repress their personal feelings and so these are unconscious to them. As such, they often do not consciously know what they like or want. They are pulled by the attraction others have for them."   - ENFJ

"I'm very touchy with people that I like, platonic or romantic wise. Thats how I know that I am becoming close with someone. I also dont mind physical contact, so if I go stiff I always giggle later because I realize how uncomfortable I was with the person said. All that aside, if that person is invading my mind a lot, making me laugh and smile thats pretty significant."   - ENFJ

"I'd blush a lot and be more jittery/anxious I'd imagine."   - ENFJ

"Here are some signs:

-they tend to talk faster 
-they will have a tougher time filling in gaps in the conversation
-sometimes they won't initiate the interaction, get a bit more shy or wait till you approach them
-will want to hang out & will say something like "coffee sometime", but not go through with planning a day/time. More like put that on you do to do so."   - ENFJ

"I'm a little more shy around guys I have a crush on but only at first. Then I usually talk to them more than other people and will sit by them and stuff. I smile a lot and appear smitten. The tell tale sign is being all quiet at first though haha I'm not shy at all but I feel kind of melted on the inside when I'm around someone I have a crush on. Almost like a weakness I don't want to show." - ENFJ

"Interestingly enough: I'm an ENFJ guy...the girl I have a crush on is an ENFJ. She's spectacular and I adore her.

- I blush around her or talking about her with friends.
- I don't know about other ENFJ guys, but I overthink everything before I it creates quiet pockets of time.
- She sometimes get INFJ (as do I) when we take the Personality Test, and both of us get shy in certain situations.

She complimented me yesterday and the moment she left I was jumping up and down w/ my friend who was there. Lately, I've gotten more comfortable around her. Friday Imma bring canvases, brushes and paints for us to make paintings because last week we spoke about how we like to paint...but since we're in college, she doesn't have her paints and hasn't been able to. So...I bought the stuff to paint with her. So...when I like a girl a lot, I do one other thing:

-Put in a lot of effort; she's that important to

Those are my crush signs."   - ENFJ

"That is so cute that the ENFJ guys will blush when they are around a crush. I do the same so it's nice to know I'm not alone."   - INTJ

"Aww.. They do! It is always so hard on me to control the urge of caressing that rosy cheek" - 2nd INTJ

Monday, January 30, 2017

9 INFJs Share One Thing To Know About Their Type

Ah, INFJs. The rarest and one of the most mysterious types. Ever wondered how to approach an INFJ if you ever found one in real life? Well, here are nine INFJs sharing what they want you to know about their personality type.


"I need time to contextualize what I am feeling. I need quiet time (minutes or hours, depends) in order to pull everything together and actually know how I feel about a certain situation. So please, if I say I need some time to work this out, give me that time because I honestly do need that time to work it out inside of my mind."


"I am not and do not think I am a special snowflake"


"When I say I need time to myself I mean by myself. 
My mom drives me crazy. She seems to think going out and bring with people will relax me the way it does her.
No, just no. 
Me time is me, myself and I. 
Two is a crowd."


"I don't take much pride in being super rare. It's more of a burden than anything else."


"I don't really know myself very well. That what I think I have discovered about myself today might very well change by tomorrow."


"You can't judge what I'm thinking or feeling by what happens to show or not to show... but if you ask me, I'll be honest, so stop doubting me."


"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean it's not objective.
Introverted intuitive perceptions are easily dismissed by non-Ni types as 'subjective' or groundless because I can't point to anything in the world which supports what I'm saying. But if the inward structure or pattern I'm perceiving is something common to the inner-workings of all human beings then it's as 'objective' as anything."


"Tell me what you need me to do. Give me a rough idea of how you'd like it done. Then, leave me alone. I promise you, my perfectionism will demand I do it the way you want, to a level that will leave me exhausted. Don't throw a task at me and walk away, then expect it to be what you had in mind. I will find the obvious issues with what you want, and I will automatically correct them, even if it leaves the finished product different from what you really wanted in the first place. Also, using Fe does not mean I am illogical or weak. Sorry, that's two things. My bad..."

Saturday, January 28, 2017

MBTI Favorite Ways To Communicate

   Personality types can affect a lot of things. Favorite ways to solve a problem, favorite parties to attend, Favorite candy... well... maybe not that last one. Anyway, I got curious about each Myers Briggs types favorite way to communicate. I did some asking around, and here are some of their answers. 


"I used to prefer text or online chat out of all types but in the last year or 2, I've come to prefer in-person communication, preferably one-on-one. I can read people better that way and establish a stronger rapport. I do need it to be short, though." - INFJ


"Either in person direct. Or indirect just rambling in run on sentences here works. 
Text I am hit or miss. Only people I talk on the phone long with is my sister because she is long distance and my mom because she is a major home body. All and all not much of texter except to get to point about a plan or some crap. I dont do long winded texting convos. 
I am either direct one on one, or just indirect commentary usually." - ESTP


"I talk mosly on the internet because I am mostly at home. Having a conversation to someone in real life is rare." - INTJ


"Online chat/IM. I'm shy." - ISFJ


I prefer written communication like emails or texts if possible." - INFJ


"Okay my most preferred to the least preferred:
1. In person (because it's not one dimensional. You can see how the person behaves, his gestures, the way he talk, there's more of a connection and when you talk with someone like for just 1 hour versus texting someone for 1 hour.. Your stress and depression by talking face to face is gone. Like real human interaction removes depression. Reason why there's more depression these days is because of technology. The health benefits of real human interaction is replaced by texting.)
2. Call (because texting is a hassle)
3. Sign language xD (it's fun)
4. Text
5. Email (hassle lol)" - xSFP

"The fact that you put sign language above texting amuses me to no end." - Publisher (Bloxez Cola)


In person because you can see their body language, you get an immediate response, and it's more confrontational which is interesting to use that word in this context, however, when you're behind a screen, you can put off messages, you can respond with more confidence or differently than you would in real life, etc. - ENTP

Friday, January 27, 2017

5 Reasons Your ESFP Tends To Vanish

   Have you ever wondered why the ESFP in your life sometimes spontaneously vanishes? Seriously though! Life is great, you two are having a good time, and then wham! Your ESFP pulls a batman on you and up and vanishes before your very eyes. Why do they do that? Well, wonder no more! Here are 5 reasons why your ESFP tends to vanish.

1. ESFPs have a need for the new. New people, places, experiences, you name it. If it is always the same conversation, with the same person, at the same place the ESFP will become bored. This is a problem because they tend to experience things in extremes. If things are good they are great, but if things are bad they are awful! This combined with the ESFP being focused mostly on the present means that they are all about finding that good time. If they get bored they are probably going to pull the batman cape out and disappear for a few days... or weeks...

2. ESFPs don't like feeling trapped. They value the freedom to choose who they want to talk to, what they want to do, where they want to go, and so on so forth. If a person is suppressing these freedoms, it is likely that the ESFP will want to vanish.

3. Most ESFPs don't do "best friends." This title often translates to, "you are the only person I talk to and all of your social free time is to be spent on me" which quite a mouth full and a really long title. The above reason makes this a problem. The title "best friend" can cause an ESFP to want to vanish if it is limiting those freedoms that we talked about earlier, and most of the time it is.

4. ESFPs can be forgetful. Because they are so present focused they can forgot commitments they made for the future. So if an ESFP flakes out on you, and it's not for one of the above reasons, they probably just forgot. Happens to everyone, right? Well... everyone except for ISTJs.

5. Something better could have come along. Now not all ESFPs are like this, but one generalization is that if something better comes along the ESFP will do that instead. It's not that they are trying to hurt you, or tell you that you are boring. It's just that ESFPs really value the present and the new. An opportunity like skydiving into a swimming pool filled with chocolate milk doesn't come around often you know.

   Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way advocating for the ESFPs tendency to vanish. Unless they actually are batman, and someone needs saving. What I was seeking to do here was give you an explanation as to why they do what they do. Hopefully, now you won't take it personal when your buddy disappears into the night like a superhero, or maybe you will see it coming and give them some space so they don't feel like they have to go poof.
   If you are that ESFP though.... you are being rude. Stop it. None of what I just said is an excuse for you to keep this up. If anything, it equipped you with the knowledge you need to deal with this bad habit. While the chocolate pool may not always be there, neither will your closest friends. So show them some love, and stick around.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

8 INFPs Share Why Emotions Are Important To Them

   I recently had the opportunity to travel with a group of individuals, and most of them had different personality types. At the end of our travels one of the INFPs said, "I wish people would have talked about their emotions more." This lead me to wonder exactly how important emotions are to INFPs. So I asked a few, and here are what eight INFPs have to say about the importance of emotions. 


"I devote so much attention to them because I'm trying to figure out what is happening to me. 

They make my life richer though."


"When i feel something strongly, which i often do- it makes me feel that what i'm feeling is important, whether I like it or not- it's hard to ignore. I do tend to give the thoughts these feelings sometimes inspire a good mental punch in the face however, when I know they aren't helpful."


"They're important because they make me who I am, at least I think they do.

I feel inseparable from them enough though I am sure there are great distinctions between the self and the emotions, I just haven't yet reached that point in life where I can distinguish the two"


"Well, they are important to me because they add color to my existence, light to my day, and depth to perception."


"What else is more important for individual humans? Emotions are the engines that drive everything else. Everything you do that's not pure bodily function, everything you are interested in, everything you want, is based on your emotions. You're bored with mathematics or fascinated by it. You love being around other people, or they frighten you. You build a fantasy world of fairies or football players in your mind, computers or pottery with your hands. Emotions are what define importance. They are the basis of who we are regardless of being "feelers" or "thinkers"."


"Because I'd make a terrible xxTx"


"Obligatory Jungian Feeling ≠ emotions. Emotions are signals. They tell us when needs are being met/violated, what is personally worthwhile to our experience beyond the necessities, or what are necessities for the spirit and not just survival. They are a reality of being human. You can't understand the truth of the human condition without exploring and unraveling emotions. Also, they indicate meaning and value. Sure, you could eat nourishing food with no flavor, but what's the fun in that? Emotions add flavor to life."


I could look at a piece of art, for instance. When judging how much I like it I guess I'll give it points for technicality, even more points for message and thought behind. But if it manages to grab me emotionally in an unusual way, you've got me. Make me feel sorry for the child with the diamonds. Let me be spooked out by the happy little bunnies you painted playing in the field. Yes emotions can get in the way of tasks, work, etc and cause issues. But for me they also bring Colour and excitement.