Friday, January 27, 2017

5 Reasons Your ESFP Tends To Vanish

   Have you ever wondered why the ESFP in your life sometimes spontaneously vanishes? Seriously though! Life is great, you two are having a good time, and then wham! Your ESFP pulls a batman on you and up and vanishes before your very eyes. Why do they do that? Well, wonder no more! Here are 5 reasons why your ESFP tends to vanish.

1. ESFPs have a need for the new. New people, places, experiences, you name it. If it is always the same conversation, with the same person, at the same place the ESFP will become bored. This is a problem because they tend to experience things in extremes. If things are good they are great, but if things are bad they are awful! This combined with the ESFP being focused mostly on the present means that they are all about finding that good time. If they get bored they are probably going to pull the batman cape out and disappear for a few days... or weeks...

2. ESFPs don't like feeling trapped. They value the freedom to choose who they want to talk to, what they want to do, where they want to go, and so on so forth. If a person is suppressing these freedoms, it is likely that the ESFP will want to vanish.

3. Most ESFPs don't do "best friends." This title often translates to, "you are the only person I talk to and all of your social free time is to be spent on me" which quite a mouth full and a really long title. The above reason makes this a problem. The title "best friend" can cause an ESFP to want to vanish if it is limiting those freedoms that we talked about earlier, and most of the time it is.

4. ESFPs can be forgetful. Because they are so present focused they can forgot commitments they made for the future. So if an ESFP flakes out on you, and it's not for one of the above reasons, they probably just forgot. Happens to everyone, right? Well... everyone except for ISTJs.

5. Something better could have come along. Now not all ESFPs are like this, but one generalization is that if something better comes along the ESFP will do that instead. It's not that they are trying to hurt you, or tell you that you are boring. It's just that ESFPs really value the present and the new. An opportunity like skydiving into a swimming pool filled with chocolate milk doesn't come around often you know.

   Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way advocating for the ESFPs tendency to vanish. Unless they actually are batman, and someone needs saving. What I was seeking to do here was give you an explanation as to why they do what they do. Hopefully, now you won't take it personal when your buddy disappears into the night like a superhero, or maybe you will see it coming and give them some space so they don't feel like they have to go poof.
   If you are that ESFP though.... you are being rude. Stop it. None of what I just said is an excuse for you to keep this up. If anything, it equipped you with the knowledge you need to deal with this bad habit. While the chocolate pool may not always be there, neither will your closest friends. So show them some love, and stick around.

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