Ah, INFJs. The rarest and one of the most mysterious types. Ever wondered how to approach an INFJ if you ever found one in real life? Well, here are nine INFJs sharing what they want you to know about their personality type.
"I need time to contextualize what I am feeling. I need quiet time (minutes or hours, depends) in order to pull everything together and actually know how I feel about a certain situation. So please, if I say I need some time to work this out, give me that time because I honestly do need that time to work it out inside of my mind."
"I am not and do not think I am a special snowflake"
"When I say I need time to myself I mean by myself.
My mom drives me crazy. She seems to think going out and bring with people will relax me the way it does her.
No, just no.
Me time is me, myself and I.
Two is a crowd."
My mom drives me crazy. She seems to think going out and bring with people will relax me the way it does her.
No, just no.
Me time is me, myself and I.
Two is a crowd."
"I don't take much pride in being super rare. It's more of a burden than anything else."
"I don't really know myself very well. That what I think I have discovered about myself today might very well change by tomorrow."
"You can't judge what I'm thinking or feeling by what happens to show or not to show... but if you ask me, I'll be honest, so stop doubting me."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean it's not objective.
Introverted intuitive perceptions are easily dismissed by non-Ni types as 'subjective' or groundless because I can't point to anything in the world which supports what I'm saying. But if the inward structure or pattern I'm perceiving is something common to the inner-workings of all human beings then it's as 'objective' as anything."
"Tell me what you need me to do. Give me a rough idea of how you'd like it done. Then, leave me alone. I promise you, my perfectionism will demand I do it the way you want, to a level that will leave me exhausted. Don't throw a task at me and walk away, then expect it to be what you had in mind. I will find the obvious issues with what you want, and I will automatically correct them, even if it leaves the finished product different from what you really wanted in the first place. Also, using Fe does not mean I am illogical or weak. Sorry, that's two things. My bad..."
Introverted intuitive perceptions are easily dismissed by non-Ni types as 'subjective' or groundless because I can't point to anything in the world which supports what I'm saying. But if the inward structure or pattern I'm perceiving is something common to the inner-workings of all human beings then it's as 'objective' as anything."
"Tell me what you need me to do. Give me a rough idea of how you'd like it done. Then, leave me alone. I promise you, my perfectionism will demand I do it the way you want, to a level that will leave me exhausted. Don't throw a task at me and walk away, then expect it to be what you had in mind. I will find the obvious issues with what you want, and I will automatically correct them, even if it leaves the finished product different from what you really wanted in the first place. Also, using Fe does not mean I am illogical or weak. Sorry, that's two things. My bad..."